This is where we post useful information for students, keep them up to date with club events and more ....
NEXT COURSE: 26th June 2022
NEXT GRADING : 7th May 2022
Follow the links below for more information:
CONGRATULATIONS!Well done Grant on passing your 4th dan grading exam - a great achievement, especially given current circumstances, and it just goes to show what can be achieved with the right attitude and effort. Special thanks to Chrissy for all your hard work preparing for the partner-work.
This is one of our important club mottos.
Click on the image for more information on what it means and why we use it to aid training. Posted: 28th January 2021
The latest news: a successful dan grading, preparing to return to the dojo and details of all the Zoom classes available to students (and some to their friends and families!). Also a little about the history of Shukokai ....
Our fourth lockdown newsletter: KOSOKUN DAI video, padwork suggestions (even if you don't have a training partner!) and - for all those pupils who are homeschooling at the moment and their parents - the FOCUS merit award.
Our third newsletter: PATIENCE merit award, instructional video on BASSAI DAI kata, more resources to help with BUNKAI and of course suggestions to help with your workouts with variations to help mix things up a bit. Also the 'enso challenge' - can you design an interesting enso? Open to students of any age!
More resources for everyone: the SPIRIT merit award, an instructional video on MATSUKAZE kata, a video showing great IPPON KUMITE, more exercise suggestions, footwork agility drills, a stress-busting breathing exercise and our film and book recommendations. Let us know what you think!
We hope you will find this a helpful resource. There are ideas for everyone from Karate Kid, Cadet, Junior, and Seniors. Please watch the kata videos and use them as inspiration for your own training. Heian kata videos are included also. Karate Kids and Cadets, work towards earning your RESPECT merit award - and anyone can have a go at doing some karARTy ....